Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Πως να κερδίσεις 1 εκατομμύριο δολάρια από τη Google

Πως να κερδίσεις 1 εκατομμύριο δολάρια από τη Google
Η Google είναι έτοιμη να δώσει 1 εκατομμύριο δολάρια σε όποιον καταφέρει να σπάσει τον Google Chrome.
Τα λεφτά θα πάρει ο τυχερός ή οι τυχεροί που θα καταφέρουν να βρουν ατέλειες του προγράμματος και να αποδείξουν στην Google ότι ο Chrome έχει προβλήματα ασφαλείας σε συγκεκριμένες συνθήκες.
Φυσικά είναι ευνόητο ότι θα προσπαθήσουν πολλοί δημιουργικοί χάκερ να σπάσουν τον Chrome και να κερδίσουν λεφτά από τη Google.
Έτσι το χρηματικό έπαθλο δεν αποκλείεται να σπάσει σε μικρότερα κομμάτια.
Δεν είναι η πρώτη φορά που η Google αλλά και εταιρείες όπως το Facebook αναπτύσσουν αντίστοιχα προγράμματα με έπαθλο χρήματα προκειμένου να κινητοποιήσουν τους χρήστες τους να ψάξουν για αδυναμίες στα προϊόντα τους.
Η Google ζητά από τους χάκερ να σπάσουν τον Chrome σε περιβάλλον με λειτουργικό σύστημα Windows 7.
Ανάλογα με το πρόβλημα ασφαλείας που θα ανακαλύψουν οι χάκερ, θα λάβουν από 20.000 έως 60.000 δολάρια εκτός κι αν προκύψει κάτι πολύ μεγαλύτερο οπότε η τιμή θα φτάσει το 1 εκατομμύριο δολάρια.
Όλα αυτά θα γίνουν εν όψει του συνεδρίου ασφαλείας CanSecWest και τα λεφτά θα κερδίσουν όσοι βρουν πρώτοι τα προβλήματα μέχρι να εξαντληθεί το ποσό του 1 εκατομμυρίου δολαρίων.
Ο διαγωνισμός Pwn2Own διεξάγεται για 6η συνεχόμενη χρονιά και μέχρι σήμερα ο μόνος browser που δεν έχει “γονατίσει” είναι ο Chrome. Όμως δεν αποκλείεται φέτος να είναι η χρονιά που οι χάκερ θα καταφέρουν να κερδίσουν την ασφάλεια του Chrome και να βάλουν χέρι στο μεγάλο έπαθλο. Το 1 εκατομμύριο δολάρια είναι πάντως ένα μεγάλο κίνητρο.
Σίμος Κοσμετάτος 

What a nice thing to do!

Constrained Ball by Giha Woo

The Constrained Ball, designed by Giha Woo, is an amazingly simplistic and fun solution to drawing straight lines without a ruler.

The device works as a mountable restraint of sorts. By slipping the pen inside the Constrained Ball, a user’s naturally pivoting angle when holding a pen allows the ball to control the rolling in only one direction. Also, there is a feature on the device that measures the length the user wants the line to be. The mount is made of rubber to provide a tight grip on the pen.

Is Lana Dramicanin copying the sexy girl from Greece or is it otherwise?

We have just read about Lani Dramicanin on the site She is a girl from Belgrade and she works on OBN television as a very "hot" weather girl. Then we remembered that we recently heard about a girl from Greece that has a very similar way of introducing us with the weather forecast. It is Petroula Kostidou, who works as a weather girl on the Greek television channel “Stars". It is also a very provocative way to tell us what the weather will be like in the coming days. She dresses in accordance with the weather ... Although the clips are in Greek, it's worth a look – not just to learn Greek, but also to see the beautiful Petroula ... Who copied whom? That is a topic for some other time... Now, we will enjoy the view...


24 strangest creatures on the planet

According to the website, Life in the Fast Lane, these are the 24 strangest creatures of this world: I do not know how can their mothers love them?



War Kids

Greek Spending Visualization

Βλέπετε τις 400 μεγαλύτερες σε κόστος αποφάσεις του Ελληνικού Κράτους, τις τελευταίες 5 ημέρες. Κάθε χρώμα, είναι και διαφορετική κατηγορία δαπάνης. 
Μπορείτε να
 πειραματιστείτε με διαφορετικές παραμέτρους.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Power of Colors: How Colors Are Used in (e-)Commerce to Influence You

The color theory, invented by Sir Charles Lemieiux, is a complex science involving psychology, physics, color perception, etc. Color theory tackles perceptual and psychological effects to various color combinations and contrasts.
The theory is so complex that it actually deserves the whole encyclopedia of it own, so this post won’t definitely be able to cover it all. Instead, it lists some fundamentals that you will hopefully be excited to hear.
The post covers some ways you can be influenced by colors, i.e. how your shopping decisions may be controlled by the right choice of colors in stores (or on e-commerce websites): next time when you see the color tricks, you will recognize them!

Generally speaking…

How color may help influence your mood and encourage/ discourage you to act – this way your actual behavior can be controlled:
Note: this table simplifies color theory a lot: it doesn’t take national and cultural differences into account and of course color may also vary based on the personality type. This table sums up the reaction to a specific color of an avarage US buyer:
ColorMakes you feel…Implementation
BlueSafe and secureGood if you need people to trust you
GreenCalm and confidentGood for making people spend money
RedEnergetic and vigorousGood if you want people to risk
YellowOptimistic and cheerfulGood if you want people have fun
PinkRomantic and dreamyGood for (young) female customers
OrangeWilling to take actionGood if you want people to act
BlackPowerful and wealthyGood if you want people to spend money
Most generally speaking and in an effort to somehow sum-up the table above, calm colors (like green and blue) make you feel calm while warm colors (like red, orange and yellow) excite you.
Based on the above table and this article, best colors by business can be summed up as:
Beauty/ Make upHas strong association with youthIs associated with prosperity
Banking / financeMakes people feel secureIs association with US dollars and safety
GamblingIs associated with energy, encourages people to take risksIs associated with prosperity
AutoIs associated with energy and speedIs associated with luxury (black limousines)


Color theory
To support the above theory, here are some results of the color associations study which dates back to 2003:
What Look Trustworthy:
Color: trust
What is Most Associated with Speed:
Color: speed
What Looks High-Quality:
Color: quality
What Looks Cheap:
Color: cheap


Color theory
If you a smart shopper, you will know that:
  • Red makes you feel hungry; so if you see something red and feel like buying and eating that, this may be color, not real you;
  • Orange makes you feel like acting; so if you want to click that pretty orange button that says “BUY NOW”, this may be the button color, not your real wish;
  • Blue makes you trust the buyer; so if some website looks trustworthy enough to share your credit card information with it, this may be the design color choice, not your real feeling.
  • Green makes you want spend your money: in fact, like with blue, it makes you think the seller looks trustworthy enough to entrust him with your money.
Post images by houston web design

Horrifying Anti-Smoking Campaigns and Kids

Public service announcements serve a very specific purpose: to inform the public and curb dangerous behavior. There has been a lot of controversy over the years, as organizations have been accused of using scare tactics to try and control the viewers.
But the intent usually comes from the right place, and so they continue to be used on television, billboards, magazines and even on the radio.

Do They Work?

There has been a question of whether or not extreme images and messages are truly effective in stopping behavior. Research is mixed on the issue. One one hand, a study done by the 2008 Partnership Attitude Tracking Study (PATS) showed that media campaigns aimed at stopping drug use in youth had made a viewable impact of 42% of those teens who viewed them.
But other studies have shown just as clearly that PSA’s are unlikely to stop drug users from continuing, due to the factors of willpower versus addiction. There is also a risk of causing offense rather than providing a genuine platform for change (according to, provider of Green Smoke Coupons). An example of this was the UK safe driving commercial that showed a little girl dying after being struck by a car.
Thankfully, there at least seems to be a benefit of using PSA’s to prevent behaviors, and to inform of dangers the public may not fully appreciate. Here is a collection of anti-smoking campaigns that use children to press the message of secondhand smoke and children mimicking parental behavior.

1. Children In Heaven

Child Health Foundation Anti-Smoking Campaign
“Smoking kills” is still one of the most used PSA slogans in the world. In this PSA, they manage to convey that with both subtlety and punch. It shows a little girl staring at you from the picture. Around her head is a halo made of smoke, and below the message that secondhand smoke will help your child “get to heaven quicker”.

2. Cute Canadian PSA

Most people know not to smoke when pregnant, because of lung complications and possible problems with the birth weight, among other health factors. But for those who aren’t aware – or don’t know how serious the issue is – here is a Canadian commercial where an adorable little boy reminds us. His mother is pregnant, he says, and he is worried that she will smoke around his sibling like she smoked around him. Sweet, effective and without the disturbing imagery.

3. Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation

Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
This UK based organization is a non-profit dedicated to improving lung health through spreading tobacco awareness. In these ads, they give the alarming statistic that 17,000 children in Britain are hospitalized due to secondhand smoke every year. The pictures show incredibly young kids with an oversized adult arm holding a lit cigarette. They are shocking images, and very well made.

4. Suffocation

If you were looking for something potentially upsetting in your PSA, this would be it. It shows a crying little boy with smoke surrounding his head in a way that is similar to a plastic bag over his head. In fact, at first glance that is exactly what it appears to be, as though someone were trying to smother or suffocate him. The message below is “Smoking isn’t just suicide, it is murder.” An extreme statement, to be sure.

5. 15,000 Cigarettes

Peruvian League Against Cancer
The Peruvian League Against Cancer created this ad campaign in an attempt to show the dangers to a smoker’s family, and that it is ultimately others who pat the price of their tobacco use. They gathered together an incredible 15,000 used cigarette butts that are reaching towards a cowering little girl. The final result was a little cheesy, but the work they put into the ad is obvious, and the concept was really good.

6. Like Father, Like Son

This is a classic anti-smoking ad that was originally released in the US back in 1967. What is funny about it is that the first thing I thought was that it looked more like a safe-driving ad, given the little boy sitting in the front seat of a convertible with no seat belt. It’s like two PSA’s for the price of once, isn’t it?


You may have your own opinion on whether or not the effectiveness of public service announcements outweigh the occasional emotional exploitation used in making them. But whether you like it or not, they are here to stay.

Do Something ... Anything

What They Won’t Tell You About Pepper Spray [Infographic]

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